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Options menu

From the Options drop-down menu, you can change the following settings or preferences and perform maintenance tasks.

Locking a database

To lock the database, select Lock Database and the Unlock Database box will appear requiring you to enter your password to re-access your data.

Resetting the layout

To reset the layout to the default standard of three panes (closing the Search and/or Sync views), select Reset Layout.

Backing up a database

To backup the database that is currently open, select Back up Database. The backup file location will be displayed in a dialog box. Backup files are encrypted with the current password.

Restoring a backup

To restore a backup, select Restore a Backup. The backup file you select will be restored in the location of your current database – overwriting/deleting your current database.

IMPORTANT: To open the restored database, you will need the password that was used when the backup file was created.

Changing the password

To change the password that is used to unlock the current database, select Change Password.

IMPORTANT: Retain all old passwords (and the dates they were utilized) in case you have backups created with them.

Importing data

To import data, select Import Data, choose the type of data from the list, and follow the detailed instructions for importing that specific data in these Help Center listings.

Exporting data

To export data, select Export Data, choose the type of data from the list. A box will appear telling you that your data will be saved in a non-encrypted CSV file and asking if you wish to continue. When you press Yes, it will allow you to select the location for your newly created CSV file.

Deleting a database

If you need to create a new database in place of the current one or the current database is no longer needed, you must delete the current database. To do that, select Delete database. This  operation is not reversible, so make sure you have made adequate backup copies or exported your data to another location if you will want to access it in the future.


The General selection provides checkboxes to choose to:

  • Sort folders before other items
  • Mask passwords
  • Mask secret numbers
  • Detect phone numbers
  • Tabbed layout (for small screens)

You can choose to apply any or all, or Restore Defaults.