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B-Folders Desktop Edition for Linux download

End user license agreement

By downloading and using B-Folders software product you agree to be bound by the terms of this End User License Agreement


The officially supported Linux distribution is Ubuntu 13. You will need to install two required packages using the following commands:

sudo apt-get install default-jre
sudo apt-get install libgnomeui-0


Linux 32bit:


Linux 64-bit:



No special installation is needed. It is advisable though, to unpack the archive to the Home folder so as the update mechanism of B-Folders can work correctly.

Note on Ubuntu 13.10

The Ubuntu 13.10 update has a bug that affects the B-Folders main menu:

Until a fix is provided by Ubuntu developers, you can use a workaround that makes B-Folders not to use the global Unity menu. For that purpose, you will need to create a custom launcher on the Desktop - a file with .desktop extension (e.g. b-folders-workaround.desktop) with the following contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 /home/john/B-Folders\ 4/b-folders

You should replace john with your username and set the executable permission of the .desktop file.

Note on Kubuntu and KDE

If B-Folders crashes, navigate to System Settings -> Application appearance ->  GTK and select a theme that is not oxygen-gtk for GTK2 and restart the computer.


The B-Folders application has a built-in mechanism that will automatically check for updates and ask you to install them when available.

Getting started

We aim to make the user interface as intuitive as possible and will keep improving it, but if you need help to get started visit:

Help Center
